Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Rehearsal Retrospective for Tuesday Jan. 9th

I arrived at what I thought would be break time and David was giving notes. He noticed the new board and in my zeal I almost began to talk about it but filed my enthusiasm to share for later. And later came.

David took time at the end to talk about the board. The cast gathered around and we chatted about St. Bernadette and Beatification and Canonization (more on that in the Glossary to the right) and lack of decomposition of Saints or Popes and what was Kristin Chenoweth doing on the board and the Mysteries of the Rosary and more.

It reminded me of what a profound process this is, the chance to help add to the evolution of revelation that a company experiences when honing the play. And what a complex play this is, a play about having faith in faith, and overcoming crippling regrets, and embracing the miraculous. And what a special gift this is, to dramaturg this show and be around such passionate and inquisitive minds who really appreciate every nuance.

Thank you, everyone.

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