Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Excellent resources with details on the 3 parts to the rosary, each with 5 mysteries. The 3 parts rotate during the week and each of the 5 decades of the rosary represents the 5 mysteries suggested to ponder on a given day. I was raised Catholic but I never understood (or maybe never cared before) about this much depth to the Catholic faith.

Wonderful details with links to each set of mysteries is at:

http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/prayers/rosary/how_to.htm (the blank space between "how" and "to" is actually a "_" - just FYI, but if you click on the link it should take you there). Check out Section 2 - "The Rosary Proper" - fascinating to click on each of the daily recommended set of mysteries and read about each.

Also in that section is a link to a letter from Pope John Paul II where he proposed a new set of mysteries entitled The Luminous. Great title!

For a less detailed look at praying the rosary, visit:

To pray the Rosary in various languages:

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